Goalrobber's mission is to provide world class goalie development through a comprehensive and whole-person approach.
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Founded on the idea that every goaltender deserves an opportunity to improve, Nate Speidel’s Summer Goalie Schools came to life in 2003 during his senior year of high school. “I never really had much formal goalie training or opportunity to attend goalie camps. I remember having to choose between skates that would fit for the next season and summer goalie camp. Of course the skates always won.” With these vivid memories, Nate became determined to provide affordable camp services to every goaltender, despite his or her financial background.
Just as influential was an experience that came in the form of a single afternoon spent training with former UND All-American goaltender, Karl Goehring. “Without my knowledge, my mom called Karl up to see if he would give me some pointers – and beyond her wildest imagination, not only did he agree to a couple hours of dry land training, but he kept in touch with me throughout my entire high school hockey career.” Karl became one of Nate’s greatest role models and hockey mentors. “After such generosity, I felt that I had no choice but to give back to the game and to youth hockey players just as someone I had looked up to did for me.” And so, as a way to pay it forward, Speidel’s Summer Goalie Schools were born.
In 2010, after years of summer goalie camps and sponsor partnership, Speidel’s Goalie Schools and Goalrobber Athletic Apparel became one, combining athletic training with goaltending culture. Today, the company stands behind the idea that all goaltenders deserve an opportunity to improve themselves through hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude. We are confident that Goalrobber will be used as a tool through which student athletes can gain the knowledge and tools to maximize their own potential and obtain success at any level!
Amanda Lee
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Adam Cheise
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