*A Wholesale Product of quickanchorpegs – anchorpegs.ca
What Are They?
Designed by Goalies to prevent fewer stoppages of playing during games. Anchorpegs are made using our own proprietary blend of urethanes to produce an innovative,highly durable, adjustable game ready net anchor peg. Currently being used by minor/junior and pro leagues across North America. The Game Ready Anchorpegs are the Preferred Net Anchor of the NAHL.
How They Work?
Game Ready Anchorpegs stay in place during the game, while goaltenders Push,Lean,Bump,VH,RVH without sacrificing safety. The Game Ready Anchoring System has a built in safety release point making them the peg of choice by many minor/junior and pro leagues across North America. The “adjustability” feature allows each league to determine how much anchoring they need to perform at their own level hockey.
Game Ready Anchorpeg Benefits?
Game Ready Anchorpegs provide goalie and players with much needed net anchoring to minimize the stoppages in play and allow for more competitive post to post plays by the goaltender.
Designed by Goalies to prevent fewer stoppage of play during games.
Game Ready Anchorpegs gives you the ability to execute aggressive post to post and RVH movements without risk of injury due to the net moving.
Used by minor and pro level teams, the Game Ready Anchorpegs are the first choice for #nonetmovement.